Burn Notice
Episode 19
Rough Seas
Original air date: 08/21/2008
The episode starts off with Michael and Fiona meeting Seymour at a gun deal. This was filmed on Virginia Key. Close to where the shack was in episode 10 False Flag.
When the deal goes bad the Corvette goes straight ahead down this route which in real life dead ends right away.
Fiona and Michael go the opposite way. Down this route.
For a couple of seconds they chase around the field by the radio antenna that was used at the start of the season premier, Breaking and Entering.
Then Michael explains that they need to get on the road to gain the advantage over the Voodoo Blue FJ . They come out of the woods and turn left onto Arthur Lamb Jr. Road. In real life this would be a mistake because it traps them on the island.
Then we see the chase continue on Sewage Plant Road. This is exactly where we saw Michael evading the police by driving through the woods backwards so as not to trigger the airbags, in episode 13 Breaking and Entering.
We very briefly get a partial view of the waste water treatment plant.
Then we hear Michael tell us that it is less about speed than it is about maneuverability. He proceeds to show us what he means. This occurs back on Arthur Lamb Jr. Road headed toward the beach from Miami Vice episode No Exit. At one point the water tower made famous in Miami Vice’s Viking Bikers From Hell episode can be seen.
Michael and Fiona get away and that ends the teaser.
After the teaser we find ourselves back at Michael’s place (studio set) where we see Virgil. This seems fitting since so much of his first episode was filmed on Virginia Key in the same areas.
This leads us to go and meet with the client Marcela. This was filmed in the Grove near the studio. In Peacock Park on the McFarlane Road side.
Then we head to Madeline’s house (studio set).
Then we head up to Boca to track down a lead. This was filmed in the Grove at the Mayfair Shops on Grand Ave.
After meeting Feldman we return to Michael’s place.
Then Michael meets with Seymour again. This was filmed on the north side of the Mayfair shops on Rice St. Near where Fiona takes down the kidnapper in Hard Bargain. Just a matter of yards away from the golf store where Michael and Virgil obtained their lead in this episode.
That meet does not go well either. This leads us to our meet with Gerard, The Thief. This popular location is easily recognizable as the often used Jimbo’s on Virginia Key.
Sam proves his worth on the bocce ball court when he stops a guy with a broken beer bottle from attacking Gerard.
Then we return to Michael’s before going to Seymour’s house. In real life Seymour’s
house is Madona’s. Located at 3029 Brickell Ave., Miami. Next to Sylvester Stalone’s. In
the background of the scene you see land without any high-
Then we return to Jimbo’s where Sam sets it up so that Gerard will go and recruit Michael into his gang.
Gerard goes after Michael to recruit him. This was filmed at the Miami Seaquarium on Virginia Key. The Miami Seaquarium is most famous for the Flipper T.V. Series but it was also used in numerous movies.
When Michael comes out of what is suppose to be his work place, we can see giant water filtration tanks in the background. This is the clue that lead me to finding the location where this scene was filmed.
They chase Michael around the corner.
They catch up to Michael with Biscayne Bay and Key Biscayne in the background.
Then we go with Michael and Gerard to where the transport boat is for the drug shipment. This was filmed just over the bridge onto Key Biscayne. It was filmed at the marina that I first saw on film in the 1967 Frank Sinatra film, Tony Rome. This was Tony Rome’s marina.
Then we go back to Jimbo’s where Michael calls Fiona. During the call where Fiona says she is on her way to the movies she is actually close by. This too was filmed at the Miami Seaquarium. At the end of the scene we see her cancel her movie plans outside what looks like it may be a movie theater. This is actually the main entrance to the seaquarium.
Then we see a brief overview establishing shot of Miami before returning to Jimbo’s where Fiona makes her presence known. The interesting thing about the overview establishing shot is that it showcases the building that stands on the site of Miami Vice’s O,C.B building that we saw the outside of in most of the episodes.
Green arrow points to where Miami Vice’s OCB was.
Yellow arrow is where Fiona jumped off bridge in episode 12 Loose Ends.
Blue arrow is where Sam was parked in the same scene.
Then we see Michael working to load the pirate boat getting ready for the heist. This was also filmed at the Miami Seaquarium, behind the Flipper tanks.
Next Sam and Virgil prepare the medicine at Michael’s place.
Then its out on the high seas. Well not really, the heist goes down just off Key Biscayne with Stiltsville in the background.
They return to the Seaquarium and Sam and Fiona are there to tail them. They follow them to a warehouse that looks like it may be in the same area as those used in Family Business but I have not located it yet. Location unknown.
Then we go to Michael’s place.
From there we return to Jimbo’s. So Michael can scare them into moving the drugs.
Then we return to the warehouse. Fiona states that it is at 29th and 1st Ave.
We see the police responding. This is film they are reusing from the start of episode 7 Broken Rules where the police are chasing Fiona and Michael because Bly has reported that she has the stolen guns in the back of her car. Same exact footage.
The police round up the bad guys.
Next we return to Peacock Park in the Grove to return the drugs.
Then Fiona and Michael return to seymour’s house. The episode ends at Seymour’s house.
Blue arrow points to where meet was, red arrows indicate pursuits path.
Red arrow points to Michael’s work place. Green arrows point to water filtration tanks we see in the background. Purple arrow points to building we see in the background when Michael comes out and see the bad guys. Blue arrows indicates Michael’s “escape” route.
Red arrow is Michael’s work place. Black arrow is where Michael and Gerard are parked. Yellow arrow points to where Virgil was. The blue arrow points to where Tony Rome’s boat was tied up.
If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at: cglide@floridamovielocations.org
If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at: cglide@floridamovielocations.org